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Jiaqi Li


I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Statistics and Data Science at Washington University in St. Louis, advised by Profs. Likai Chen and Todd Kuffner. I will be joining the Department of Statistics at the University of Chicago as a William H. Kruskal Instructor this fall.

As of 2023-2024, I will be a visiting student in the Department of Statistics at UChicago, advised by Prof. Wei Biao Wu. Prior to the graduate school, I received my B.S. in Mathematics at Soochow University in 2019. My undergrad thesis was advised by Prof. Rui Ding. I was also fortunate to be a research assistant with Profs. Chen Li and Shuang Zhao at UC Irvine in 2018.

My research interests include statistical learning theory, time series, high-dimensional data, change points, as well as their applications in neuroimaging and brain dynamics.

Here is a copy of my [CV].

Contact: lijiaqi at wustl dot edu [Google Scholar]
